Evidence Analysis

It is a challenge for health plans and clinicians to distill and analyze volumes of clinical evidence to determine likely clinical, financial, and risk impacts. This is what we do.

Accessed through the Hayes Knowledge Center, the Evidence Analysis Solution addresses the following fundamental questions to help our clients determine coverage positions:

  • Does the technology improve health outcomes?
  • Are there other benefits associated with the technology?
  • What harms might be associated with the technology?
  • Have patient selection criteria been established for the technology?
  • For which patients might the technology provide a benefit?

Prolastin-C (Grifols Therapeutics Inc.) Compared With Other Augmentation Therapies for Management of Patients With Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency and Lung Disease

This report addresses whether full-text clinical studies, systematic reviews, and clinical practice guidelines and position statements support the use of alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) augmentation therapy with Prolastin or Prolastin-C over other alpha-1 proteinase inhibitors (A1PIs), for management of lung disease in patients with AAT deficiency (AATD).

ApiFix (ApiFix Ltd.) for Treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

This report addresses whether full-text clinical studies, systematic reviews, and clinical practice guidelines and position statements support the use of the currently available design of the ApiFix (ApiFix Ltd.) minimally invasive deformity correction system for spinal curvature correction in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.