David Zieve, MD, MHA
Medical Director, Hayes
As Medical Director at Hayes, David Zieve works closely with the Evidence Solutions analysts and provides clinical oversight for a variety of client solutions, including collaborations with Hayes’ key clients.
Prior to joining Hayes, Dr. Zieve served in various medical director positions, most recently as Senior Medical Director of Health Integrated, where his role encompassed utilization management, appeals management, case management oversight, and medical policy. He also worked as a Physician Editor for Milliman Care Guidelines (now MCG), where he wrote and edited evidence-based clinical care guidelines, including coverage of emerging technology and pharmaceuticals, and worked with analysts to create utilization benchmarks.
Dr. Zieve also worked as Medical Director for A.D.A.M. Health, provider of patient education content; as a Physician Adviser with the Health Information Institute; and as Vice President and Medical Director, Quality and Utilization Management, and Clinic Medical Director at Medalia Healthcare/Providence Health System.
Dr. Zieve earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from the Medical College of Ohio (now the University of Toledo Medical School) and completed his Family Practice Residency at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Family Medicine and holds a Master of Health Administration degree from the University of Washington.
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