Focus of the Report: The use of the AposTherapy System for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee (KOA).

Technology Description: The AposTherapy device is a foot-worn biomechanical device designed to redistribute the load away from painful areas in the knees, purportedly decreasing pain. The device consists of a shoe-like platform and 2 convex perturbation units, called Pertupods, that are individually calibrated for patients by an AposTherapy Trained Clinician (ATC). The ATC utilizes clinical findings, computerized gait laboratory and questionnaire results, the gait pattern, and the AposTherapy methodology to calibrate the location, weight, and convexity of each Pertupod. The location and convexity of the Pertupods alters load distribution within joints, while the convexity of the Pertupods challenges muscular control to improve muscular pattern within daily tasks.

Controversy: AposTherapy is a non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical treatment alternative for people with pain and loss of function associated with KOA. The treatment can be costly for patients, and evaluation of its comparative effectiveness with commonly accepted treatments for KOA is warranted as it is a noninvasive treatment modality.

Key Questions:

  • Is the AposTherapy System effective in treating pain and loss of function associated with KOA?

  • How does the AposTherapy System compare with clinical alternatives for the treatment of pain and loss of function associated with KOA?

  • Is the AposTherapy System safe?

  • Have definitive patient selection criteria been identified for the AposTherapy System?

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