Petra Nass Bio

Petra Nass, PhD Senior Scientific Officer, Executive Director Evidence Solutions Dr. Nass is responsible for ensuring the scientific and methodological quality of the Hayes evidence products. In previous roles at Hayes, she managed the Hayes Medical Technology...

David Zieve Bio

David Zieve, MD, MHA Medical Director, Hayes As Medical Director at Hayes, David Zieve works closely with the Evidence Solutions analysts and provides clinical oversight for a variety of client solutions, including collaborations with Hayes’ key clients. Prior to...

Meredith Calloway Bio

Meredith Calloway, MS, PMP Associate Scientific Director Meredith Calloway specializes in Health Technology Assessment (HTAs) and systematic reviews. A certified project manager, she oversees contract and custom work for clients including government agencies, and is...

Beth Bontemps Bio

Beth Bontemps, MS Scientific Director, Horizon Scanning Beth Bontemps employs her clinical and research expertise as she monitors new, emerging, and controversial technologies. Her efforts are critical to provider and payer clients as they plan for the clinical and...

Renee Balliet Bio

Renee Balliet, PhD, MBA Scientific Director, Precision Medicine Dr. Renee Balliet is responsible for the rapidly expanding product line of Precision Medicine. This includes critical content clients need when managing genetic and molecular medicine. Her...